A visit to Jingdezhen with Bo Gyllensvärd, in 1992
Wednesday 16 September 1992
The private street "Night" Market
At around lunch time I went and visited the private street porcelain market. The prices are very low when purchasing directly on the market. Any shipping would need to be organized by yourself. All are second assortment or less. Unfortunately, bowls of eggshell porcelain are so delicate that half breaks however careful you are. They cannot even carry their own weight if shaken .
This is my diary as it was written in Jingdezhen and Beijing the 4-24 September 1992,
after an invitation and journey to study the recent findings from the excavations of the Imperial Ming Kilns at Zhushan and other aspects of the ceramic history of China, in and around the city of Jingdezhen. My travel mates beside professor Bo Gyllensvärd were Jarl Vansvik and Erik Engel. My eternal gratitude goes to them, Dr Liu Xinyuan and all our friends at the Archaeological Institute of Jingdezhen. Text and photos on this web page are copyright as published © Jan-Erik Nilsson, Gotheborg.com, Sweden 2014.